When thinking of a luxury yacht charter vacation it is often crewed motor yachts that spring to mind and not catamarans, in many respects it’s easy to understand why. It’s true luxury crewed motor yacht charters and super yacht charter are an ultimate luxury vacation but they can be prohibitively expensive, that’s where the crewed catamaran comes into play!
Boatbookings.com Charter Director Lambros thinks that, ‘Catamarans are in many ways as good – or even better than motor yachts’ read on to find out why!

Reasons to charter a Crewed Catamaran:
– Due to their width, they are very stable, not pitching and rolling on the seas as mono-hulls sometimes do (boats with just one hull sailing yachts and motor boats)
-A wide beam (width) also means that catamarans are extremely spacious – a 60ft catamaran has the same space overall as a 80+ Ft motor yacht,
– Modern catamarans have fly bridges similar to those found on motor yachts, offering a new dimension and element of space.
– Crewed Catamarans in the Caribbean are often ‘all-inclusive’ so there’s no need to worry about expenses.
– The only real minus points for catamarans vs motor yachts is the speed: where a fast m/y cruises at 25knots, a catamaran can only go up to 10-12knots – not a problem when you want to sit back, relax and enjoying the scenery.
Below is a small selection of our favourite crewed catamarans, just click on the picture or boat name to find out more!
Based in the Caribbean:

Based in the Mediterranean:


Enquire today and speak to one of our experts to learn more about chartering a crewed catamaran!