Today sees the Premier of Brunot Dumont’s film ‘Ma Loute’ starring Juliette Binoche. It is the summer of 1910 in Baies de la Slack in Northern France, where mysterious disappearances set the region alight. The investigations are led by Inspector Machin and the sagacious Malfoy who find themselves in the heart of a strange and consuming love affair between ‘Ma Loute’, the eldest son of a family of fisherman and Billie of the Van Peteghem family, a rich and decadent family from Lille. This film takes Brunot Dumont’s talents to a new level with his amusing and out of character comedy!

Cannes really comes alive during the Film Festival and it’s the most exciting time to be in the port on a yacht. With some availabilities still left for last minute charters during this event, there is still time to organise prestigious and unforgettable events for your Cannes Film Festival 2016. O’LEANNA, the 44m Marin Teknikk with 6 staterooms is still available and has a confirmed berth in Cannes from 17th – 22nd May 2016.
O’LEANNA can have up to 50-60 guests on board at the dock. Her deck space is impressive and she is in immaculate condition thanks to her regular interior/exterior refits. She is a truly stylish yacht with a wonderful and charming crew who always have a smile on their face and are ready to cater to you and your guests’ every need. Her most unique feature has to be the ‘throne’ on the top deck, to make your guests feel like true Royalty during this prestigious event!
Contact one of the team at Boatbookings to secure this wonderful yacht during the Cannes Film Festival. Look at our Linkedin for more updates on the exciting Cannes film festival!