Bathrooms, heads, whatever you want to call it – they are small! You will find that a lot of showering will be done on the Aft deck. For ease, comfort but above all, it’s a far better view! I’m unsure if I had one shower in the head where I came out without bruises all over my arms!
Bar shampoos are increasing in their popularity. Not only are they eco-friendly but they last for ages, they end up being very economical! Try opting for eco/marine safe soaps. Shops around the marinas often stock marine friendly soaps, if not have a shop around – there’s a lot available out there.
Sea salt is damaging for your hair, this coupled with exposure to the sun means your hair is likely to be damaged. In order to prevent this opt for heavier conditioners, or hair oil. I used a rich shampoo and hair oil – this kept my hair from breaking and becoming frizzy.
Skin care
Like it or not you have to wear sun cream and it’s not up for debate!! You are exposed to not only the sun but also the wind that can damage your skin. Take care of it! Opt for heavier skin creams, factor 30+. I used to wear ski sunscreen on my face as it also protects from wind. At night use coconut oil in the raw form it’s fantastic! Coconut oil has many uses. You can cook with it, use it on your skin or use it as an alternative to conditioner. Subsequently, this saves space in your bag!

Out and about
When packing clothes for your charter its best to pack for what sort of holiday you are going to be experiencing. If, for example, you are going to high-end restaurants along the South of France, or the Amalfi coast then perhaps add some shirts and heels! If you are opting for a more relaxed charter in places such as Greece, Caribbean, Croatia and the Bahamas op for more casual clothing. Remember that hanging space is limited in yachts with hangers becoming scarce! Keep it loose and airy, like any warm holiday you don’t want clothes that are thick and clingy.
I found that when I was sailing in the Med I would typically be in bikini bottoms and a long t-shirt. Loose, soft t-shirts were my go to. I would rarely ever wear fabrics that were nylon based. Linin is great to wear when sailing.
Sunglasses, caps, and water shoes are a must. When long lining mooring- or simply snorkeling around the coast (best places for snorkeling hands down is the Bahamas or Caribbean!) put on some water shoes! They might not be the most flattering of shoes, but it beats treading on sea urchins or slicing your feet on rocks! Yes, I had to take out sea Urchin needles out of a guests foot! Plus, once you’re in the water no-one can see your feet!
When chartering, especially mid-season the lines can become a bit stiff with sea water so if you have delicate hands chuck on a pair of gloves… I promise people won’t take the mick out of you….. too much!
You will be warm. End of! Keep it light, shorts and a vest top will be fine. If you have the opportunity to sleep on deck grab it with both hands! You’ll sleep a lot better.
Bring a hammock with you and tie it to the forestay and shrouds. Not only are they comfortable to sleep in, but during the day they are exceptional to read a book in, or if you are like me a glass of cold white wine! You can tie them up with either a Double Clove Hitch or you can get fancy with a Prusik knot.