16-year-old Greta Thunberg waves to her fans as she embarks on a climate change protest across the Atlantic.

I have found it almost ludicrous the level of animosity that Greta has experienced while taking on peaceful, low emission protest. At age 15 she started protesting in Sweeden, outside their houses of parliament to raise awareness for the direction this world is traveling in. It is undeniable, just like numbers, science does not lie – but people in power do.

“The science is clear,” Greta announces before embarking on a cross Atlantic passage set to take 2 weeks. “We must start bending the [carbon] emissions curve steeply downwards no later than 2020, if we still are to have a chance of staying below a 1.5 [Celsius] degrees of global temperature rise.“

According to CO2 earth, the level of CO2 emissions in the world has increased on every month. It is undeniable that we are heading to a point of no return if we do not act fast. Greta has taken it upon her self as a 16-year-old, to travel and raise awareness for the change in our climate.
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Some people may not ever live a life without air travel, and that’s fine. On the same token, people who live their life with climate change at the forefront of everything they do should not be slated. Every single person should be doing their bit for climate change, at the very least should be conscious and educated about climate change. This isn’t a rant about climate change, but about how people treat others when people have a passion.
What are Boatbookings doing to help combat the carbon footprint in their clients?
Carbon offsetting
Whenever you use a motor on a yacht, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is emitted into the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide has been scientifically linked to Global Climate Change and Warming. With the worldwide concern about Carbon Emissions, we wanted to help our Charterers to be able to have a fantastic charter while also being friendly to Mother Earth.
Fortunately, there are a variety of organizations that allow you to buy “carbon credits” to offset the emissions you create while chartering. The United Nations works with many charities and NPOs to certify projects that will reduce carbon emissions. Projects such as building electricity-generating dams that will replace carbon fuel (coal) burning electrical generation. Wind farms. Tree Planting, etc.
Use our Carbon offset calculator to calculate your emissions into credits to help reduce your carbon footprint on your charter.
Wonder how you can have a reduced carbon footprint on your charter? Check out our Green Chartering page dedicated to reducing your carbon footprint on your charter.
We are behind you, Greta!!!