Boatbookings was the first yacht charter company to focus on “Green Chartering”, having introduced a carbon calculator and encouraged our clients to offset their emissions since 2013. Our industry depends on a healthy environment and we are deeply committed to doing our part. So when a client asked to sustainably charter the beautiful Rehab to Nikki Beach for a fabulous day in St Tropez, we were excited to help.
A day charter from Cannes to St Tropez

Our client had the day people dream of when chartering from Cannes to St Tropez. Rehab showed up right on time at 10 am at the sunny Port Canto (Cannes) wharf, and after a quick safety briefing, the party was treated to the view of the Cannes waterfront during the Film festival while enjoying fresh fruit and French pastries.

Captain Chris took us next to the picturesque port of Agay, and anchored in the bay so everyone could get some early swimming in.

An then off to Nikki Beach for an early lunch at 12:30. Boatbookings recommends booking an early lunch so that there’s plenty of time for watersports in the afternoon.

The ambiance at Nikki Beach was exceptional, with a smooth sax player playing along with the mellow DJ tracks, and the food was amazing. With the obligatory rose wine, people watching, and fashion model walking between the tables, it really was the perfect lunch!

After a long luxurious lunch, we headed to the Golfe of St Tropez, where people wakeboarded and paddle boarded in the shadow of the old town of St Tropez and many amazing superyachts.
When everyone was suitably tired out, the crew broke out another bottle of Rose and a beautiful charcuterie plate for the fun ride home. Amazing day!!
Rehab Carbon Offsets and Sustainablity

As mentioned, the client wanted all of the emissions from this day to be offset. Boatbookings has all the tools to make this easy and low cost. The Captain informed us that the charter had consumed 815 liters of diesel fuel. Using the Boatbookings carbon calculator, we helped the client purchase enough credits to offset all of the emissions. The cost was less than the price of a bottle of NIkki Beach Rose! The Boatbookings system bought credits that are traceable to the actual farm and authenticated. The client was presented with this certificate – a reminder that their amazing day was done as sustainably as possible. (Not only were the emissions offset, Rehab does not use single-use plastics, all trash was recycled, and not coral-harming sun creams were used.)
Boatbookings commitment to sustainability
Boatbookings puts a premium on sustainability and is working towards all of our charters being zero-carbon in the near future. We work with yachts that have a similar focus on protecting the environment and are ready to offset emissions on any charter. Please read more about Green Chartering here, and we hope you join us in this important endeavor!
If you would like to book a charter on Rehab or any of our other amazing yachts worldwide, please contact us and ask for carbon offsets as well!