How the America’s Cup Technology Will Revolutionize Eco-Friendly Yachting 

Often hailed as the ‘Formula 1 of sailing’, the America’s Cup is at the forefront of sailing innovation. This year’s Cup has seen some incredible boating and cutting-edge technology pioneered. At Boatbookings, some team members were lucky enough to witness some of the action in last week’s finals in Barcelona. 

We are in awe of the technology and innovation and are excited to share some of our findings from witnessing the competition’s development. 


One of the most visible innovations from the America’s Cup is the foiling technology. Today, we literally see the boats flying above the water – a game changer for efficiency. By reducing drag, foils allow boats to achieve higher speeds with less energy input. While our greener hybrid and electric yacht fleet may not yet do this, many modern designs incorporate partial foiling or foil-assisted hulls to significantly reduce fuel consumption. 


The need for speed in this competition has led to the development of incredibly durable yet lightweight materials. Once exclusive to high-end racing, carbon fiber has infiltrated the luxury yacht-building sphere. These lighter boats need less energy, leading to reduced fuel consumption and lower carbon emissions. Additionally, these materials boast a longer life span, therefore reducing the environmental impact of yacht production and disposal. 

Smart Power 

America’s Cup teams need to maximize every bit of energy onboard. Advanced battery technologies are now used to create more efficient hybrid and electric propulsion systems for leisure boating. 

Sail Design & Efficiency 

The aerodynamic advancements in America’s Cup sail design are also revolutionary. Modern sail designs for sailing yacht charters mean more wind power and less time motoring, reducing fuel consumption and increasing the pleasure of enjoying a yachting vacation under sail. 


Hydrogeneration is one of the most exciting technologies to emerge from recent America’s Cup campaigns. By using propellers to generate electricity as the boat moves through the water, teams can replenish their batteries without using fossil fuels. This technology is now being adapted for yachts, allowing boats to generate clean energy while under sail, reducing reliance on generators and shore power.

Advanced Planning 

The sophisticated weather prediction and routing software America’s Cup teams use is trickling down to the charter market. These systems allow captains to plot the most efficient courses, taking advantage of winds and currents to reduce fuel consumption. For charter guests, this means a more eco-friendly journey and often a more comfortable one, too, avoiding rough conditions.

Beyond The Tech 

It’s not just about the boats – the America’s Cup has also promoted sustainable practices in yacht maintenance and operation. From environmentally friendly anti-fouling paints to biodegradable cleaning products, many green initiatives pioneered by racing teams are now standard in the charter industry.

Thanks to the America’s Cup technological advancements, the future is exciting for more eco-friendly yachts, such as our greener-crewed charter catamarans. We are excited to witness the remainder of the Cup and the finals in the next couple of weeks. Contact one of our Boatbookings team to hear more about greener technologies and our fleet. 

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