One of the Great Migrations – the Humpback Whales in French Polynesia

Every year in the Antartic, as winter closes in and food becomes scarcer, one of the worlds great migrations takes place.Many hundreds of humpback whales swim 6000 km north to spend 4-5 months enjoying the warmer and food-rich waters of French Polynesia, to breed and to give birth to their calves. This is a time for mating, with underwater singing that can be heard all day long as the males try to impress the females.

Photo credit from Johnyg at

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Caribbean or Cannes?

The Caribbean is synonymous with jaw dropping beaches, welcoming locals and fantastic sailing conditions. These remote islands now have luxurious amenities, so you can escape to paradise whilst having top notch cuisine, service and accommodation awaiting you. Alternatively, it’s all happening in the French Riviera this season with endless glamorous parties, events and celebrity hotspots.

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Places to Wine and Dine in St Tropez

St Tropez rose to fame in the 1950’s due to its feature in Brigitte’s Bardot’s successful film “Et Dieu Créa la Femme” (And God Created Woman), and it has since been a hotspot for celebrities, VIP’s and yacht charterers alike. What used to be a peaceful fishing village is now a thriving tourist destination with a diverse array of restaurants, bars and clubs – providing the perfect place to stop on your French Riviera yacht charter holiday!

L'Opera St Tropez, Boatbookings Luxury Yacht Charter
Image from

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Travel Trends for 2017

Travel is changing as trends in modern society are making leisure, entertainment and lifestyles completely different! This blog will discuss three trends which have been growing over the past year or so, how they will affect holidays and trips, and why a yacht charter can mould to all of these trends!

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Be Seen in Cannes this Summer

Cannes is at the centre of all things glamorous on the French Riviera. If you are planning a holiday here this summer, here are some of the most fashionable spots to visit. Being based in Cannes, we can give you recommendations on all the best destinations for food, drinks and stunning views.

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