Friday 13th sees the Premier of Brunot Dumont’s ‘Ma Loute’

Today sees the Premier of Brunot Dumont’s film ‘Ma Loute’ starring Juliette Binoche. It is the summer of 1910 in Baies de la Slack in Northern France, where mysterious disappearances set the region alight. The investigations are led by Inspector Machin and the sagacious Malfoy who find themselves in the heart of a strange and consuming love affair between ‘Ma Loute’, the eldest son of a family of fisherman and Billie of the Van Peteghem family, a rich and decadent family from Lille. This film takes Brunot Dumont’s talents to a new level with his amusing and out of character comedy!

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Surf the Wicked Waves of Tahiti!

There are some amazing surfing destinations to be found in the South Pacific, including Tahiti and Fiji, and it is no accident that many professional and amateur surfing competitions are held in these places.

Water sports are an integral part of any South Pacific sailing holiday, including diving, surfing, snorkeling, kiteboarding, game fishing and many, many others, and Tahiti has more than its fair share of exciting surfing locations to explore while on your Tahiti yacht charter holiday! Or just watch the experts during the many competitions throughout the year.

Photo credit from Taapuna Blog
Photo credit from Taapuna Blog

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BVI: Idyllic Itinerary Ideas

The Caribbean is one of the most interesting areas in the world for yacht chartering and the British Virgin islands represent the pinnacle of the Caribbean chartering experience. It is hard not to like the BVI: sandy beaches, excellent snorkeling, beach party bars, upscale moorings at internationally famous hotels, places of interest, and, of course, beautiful sailing and captivating sunsets. Read our BVI sailing itinerary so you can start planning your memorable trip! GalleryImage_1515_3023

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