Christmas Crewed Cat Countdown 2016!

With Christmas in the BVIs nearly upon us, we wish all of you a fantastic festive period in possibly the best place on earth to charter a catamaran. It’s time to consider Christmas 2016; if you haven’t organised your crewed catamarans BVI is the most fantastic destination. For a trip this year, now is the time to seriously consider Christmas 2016. With all the best catamarans being booked up near on a year in advance, you can pick the creme de la creme of yachts available!

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The 2016 BVI Yacht Show Review!

There’s no doubt that the place to cruise during winter is the Caribbean! Luxury crewed catamarans are definitely the most popular type of vessel for those tropical escapes and the BVI is where almost all the best Caribbean catamarans are based. Our Boatbookings brokers, as they do every year, attended the annual BVI Yacht Show, in Tortola, where 78 stunning crewed catamarans were displayed by their crews.


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