Where are the Celebrities at Cannes 2015?

The French Riviera is awash with celebrities as the 2015 Cannes Film Festival continues and Monaco Grand Prix is speeding towards us. There’s a constant flow of stars flying in and out of Nice airport, hopping on and off yachts in the old port of Cannes and posting pictures all over their social media accounts.

So where are the celebrities spending their time? What are they getting up to when they’re not walking the red carpet at the Palais des Festivals or partying in to the night with other stars at Cannes 2015.

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Super Yacht of the Week: HARLE

This week is our Cannes Film Festival special, with some of the greatest charter yachts in the world gracing the bay and port of Cannes with their presence, it’s a spectacle on the water as much as inside the Palais des Festivals. In the port you’ll see the seasoned event yachts with their experienced crews working away to cater to the discerning taste of the film industry’s youngest and brightest, and one yacht in particular has caught our eye. HARLE is a 45-metre Feadship, built to the highest standard in 2007. She offers space for 12 guests to sleep, as well as excellent open social areas both inside and out.


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Super Yacht of the Week: LADY BRITT

This week we’re taking a look at what is arguably the most successful charter yacht on the planet, with a full calendar in every corner of the globe LADY BRITT has everything you could wish for. Launched by the prestigious Feadship yard in 2012, LADY BRITT has had acclaim the world over for her timeless design incorporating clean, fluid lines and minimal approach. Since then her crew have carried the baton of her outstanding reputation to new heights with an award-winning Michelin-starred chef and pro-active captain and team who attract a huge number of repeat guests whether in the glamorous South of France or the breathtaking Bahamas.

LADYBRITTcruising Continue reading

Super Yacht of the Week: BLUSH

Following on last week’s theme of yachts that hold a special place in our heart this year, our final super yacht of the week for 2014 is BLUSH. We’ve been watching BLUSH’s movements since she was revealed earlier this year, a rumoured £25 million new-build from Formula 1 mogul Eddie Jordan. The 47-metre yacht is Sunseeker’s flagship creation and the largest yacht ever built at the British based shipyard. Following her reveal the yachting industry awaited her launch with baited breath, and we were not disappointed!


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It’s Not All about Restaurants and Beach Clubs on the Riviera – Monaco Has One of the Most Incredible Aquariums in the World

Designed as a palace dedicated entirely to art and science, the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco, founded by Prince Albert I has been an iconic part of the legendary Rock of Monaco for over a century.  From the exquisite facades to the decoration in the salons, this magnificent building takes you into the fascinating world of the ocean.  With over 6,000 square meters and some 6,000 specimens on display to feast your eyes upon, the museum offers a welcome cultural contrast from the bustling Riviera, with an emphasis on protecting the oceans.


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