7-Day Maldives Diving Yacht Itinerary | Indian Ocean

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Our 7-day insider itinerary to the top diving, snorkeling, and attractions in the Maldives

Day 1 - Paradise Island | Day 2 - Nassimo, Madivaru Kandu, Nelivaru | Day 3 - Nelivaru, Dhigu | Day 4 - Anga Faru, Kihaadhoofaru, Shipyard | Day 5 - Felivaru Kandu, Fushifaru | Day 6 - Dhonfanu, Dhigalia | Day 7 - Nelivaru, HP Reef

The Maldives is a hushed haven of idyllic island cays and sapphire seas, home to an exuberant underwater world that invites guests to snorkel amidst scores of intensely hued tropical fish. Charter a luxury yacht in the Maldives; be it a motor yacht or crewed catamaran and embark on an extraordinary adventure through the Indian Ocean, making pit stops at all the best diving stops.

To plan your Maldivian adventure, contact our Charter Experts for a personalized proposal today.

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Map of the Maldives Sailing and Diving Itinerary

Here is a map of the key destinations for the Maldives aboard your charter yacht to see the best diving and attractions of the Maldives!

Day 1 - Paradise Island

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Paradise Island lives up to its name and is the ideal place to start your charter. Starting at Male Atoll, Paradise is a calm, beautiful dive site with beautiful corals and a lot of marine life. Diving here you can expect to see all types from small reef fish to bigger pelagics, sharks..even turtles if you're lucky during the summer! Its second name is Manta Point for a reason and is easy to navigate.

Day 2 - Nassimo, Madivaru Kandu, Nelivaru

maldives,asia yacht charter,Maldives boat rentalJust two minutes down to the west is Nassimo Thalia, one of the best underwater mountains of the North Male Atoll. On the north side, there are rocks, covered in pink and blue soft corals which appear to have fallen off the main thila. You'll be able to find blue-striped snappers, groupers, and squirrelfish alongside giant trevallys, blue fin jacks, hawks bill turtles, and white-tip reef sharks here. Once you head to Nelivaru you will be able to find some stonefish, scorpionfish, lionfish, and big schools of blue fin jacks. In the South West monsoon, Mantra rays regularly visit this area making it the best place to see Mantas in Baa Atoll.

Day 3 - Nelivaru, Dhigu

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An amazing sight, this underwater mountain starts at 14 meters deep. There is a star-shaped formation at 30 meters which is a must and there are many hard and soft corals surrounding the reef. Overhangs can be found on the sides as well as sweet-lips,jackfish, and sting rays! Dighu is a protected marine area where youcanalsoseevaryingtypesofcoralsandlargesea-fans. On the west and east sides, it is also possible to see big flower groupers, hunting jack, batfish, silversides, and even barracuda.

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Day 4 - Anga Faru, Kihaadhoofaru, Shipyard

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Anga Faru's top is only at three meters and the reef has a slight slope into a bay formation. Halfway out, there is a small thila where you will each the bay which is believed to be the shark nursery. If the current is favorable you can stay here and watch the sharks, turtles, and even schools of barracudas who inhabit this area.

The next dive is on the main reef of Kihaadhoofaru which has overhangs of around 23 and 25 meters. There are big rocky outcrops that provide shelter to the fish trying to escape from the current. The wonderful landscape and vibrant corals make this an amazing diving location.

The shipyard is also a must-see on this diving charter. They are easy to spot as the bow comes high above the surface of the water and are now, due to the strong currents, inhabited by soft and hard corals. 

Day 5 - Felivaru Kandu, Fushifaru

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In the 500-meter-wide channel between Fushifari and Madhiriguraidhoo, at 14 meters deep, lays the beautiful thila called Fushifaru Thalia. On the reef grows a big variation of both hard and soft corals and when the current is coming in, grey reef sharks, barracudas, eagle rays, and big dog tooth tunas gather in groups at the channel opening. 
Known as the Kuredu Express, the first channel on the North side of Kuredu carries divers at fast speed. The eastern corner of the channel has a reef with terraces and overhangs from a depth of 10 to 22 metres. If the current allows, head towards the outside reef, as to see the fish lying here. When the current is not too strong, divers can swim across the channel in order to see big pelagic fish.

Day 6 - Dhonfanu, Dhigalia

Dhonfanu Thila is a large oval-shaped underwater mountain located near the island of Dhonfanu. This, along with a large coral block a few meters away, creates a canyon that is ideal to swim through. On the whole, this underwater landscape is beautiful and has favorable conditions like a medium-strong current, grey reef sharks, eagle rays, lion fish, barracuda, and big schools of jack fish.

The Dhigali Haa, a thila with a top of only 12 meters, is a protected marine area and lies on the south side of Royal Island. Bushy, black corals and huge sea-fans are mixed with different colored hard and soft corals. On the west and east sides, there are a few big coral blocks where it is possible to see big flower groupers, hunting jack, batfish, barracuda, and silversides. Manta Rays can also be seen here depending on the season.

Day 7 - Nelivaru, HP Reef

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A large U-shaped thila that starts at a depth of 5 meters, the Nelivaru Thila is a hot-spot for those wanting to swim with stonefish, scorpionfish, lion fish and a big school of blue fin jack. The HP Reef, named after Hans-Peter, the diving instructor who discovered the reef many years ago, is located just south of Girifushi Island in North Male Atoll and makes a perfect spot for the last dive of your charter. Large outcrops filled with soft corals are located west and south sides of this thila and from 15 to 28 meters are overhangs with densely grown, multi-colored soft corals on the ceilings and even the floor.

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If you'd like to make some tweaks or even create your own Maldivian Diving tour then use our distance calculator for a helping hand. Otherwise, if you've fallen in love with our Maldivian Itinerary, then simply contact us today and our team will help you plan your dream charter in the Maldives!

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